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Proof: God is real, and you are His Creation

DNA contains a highly advanced, and complex genetic language. That highly advanced, and complex genetic language is information within DNA. That information single handedly destroys the lie that evolution takes place.

Just the fact that there is a highly advanced genetic language hidden within each and every cell of each and every living thing is proof alone that there is a God, and creation is the truth. That information could not have possibly written itself! However; there are those priests of so-called science among you who preach and teach that there is no creator.

And to try and convince you of that, they willfully and deceitfully throw away every fact that proves beyond a shadow of doubt that any and all information cannot magically appear out of thin air, be thought up, or write that information within itself. So they then have to hide that truth from you. What they cannot hide, they spin and twist with big, 'sciency' words, and 'sciency' mumbo jumbo language to make you feel ignorant and stupid. That way you'll just say, "oh well, they are the experts!" But if you think about it: The information in an encyclopedia cannot magically appear out of thin air, be thought up, or write all that information itself. It needs an author. It needs someone to write that information!

Understand, that the millions of lines of highly advanced genetic information that is in the DNA of each cell of every living thing, amounts to the equivalent of information in 16 complete volumes of the encyclopedia of Britannica! The purpose of that information in the DNA of all living things is to give instructional commands to each cell, which tells the various cells what they will become, to be a part of, [eyes, ears, nose, mouth, heart, brain etc], and complete the entire body, which is the biological machine that our soul lives in. Now consider that there are a trillion various life forms on earth, and each species has it's own different, unique genetic information. The same genetic code for a human cannot be used to create an elephant, just like the instruction to build a car cannot be used to build a computer. Yet so-called science would have you believe that millions of lines of genetic information within a trillion different life forms just magically wrote itself into existence, and evolved from a single cell within a primordial ooze, writing a trillion different blueprints to build and sustain a trillion different life forms! But what of that so-called primordial ooz? Take the inside of a chicken egg for example. The clear part looks like ooze, and the yellow part in the center looks like a cell. Now the cell in that primordial ooze that so-called science talks about is far less complicated than the content of a chicken egg. It's extremely different in fact, because the cell in the so-called primordial ooze is just one single,'microscopic' cell! But wait! That one single cell would now have to magically come alive, even though nothing in the history of the world, or so-called science has just magically come alive. Not even from the thousands of attempts to do so by science. They have never created life! And yet they want us to believe that the single, microscopic cell in some magical, mythical ooze did just that! And then on top of that, it just magically got the super power to divide and multiply! And then on top of all that unfounded absurdity, [that they have you believing], so-called science tells us that that one microscopic cell evolved into a trillion different life forms! Now if evolution was possible and really did take place; then you could say that the content of an egg would have to evolve as well. It starts out as just a clear and yellow goo. But does it just magically evolve into a complete, whole chicken? NO! That would be absurd! And yet so-called science would have you believe that a trillion different life forms just evolved from a Single microscopic cell? But what of the trillion various life forms? Are they all the same flesh? No! There is the flesh of humans, the flesh of land animals, the flesh of fish, the flesh of birds etc. Are all the flesh of land animals the same flesh? No! The flesh of a cow is not the same as the fesh of a pig. The flesh of a horse is not the same as the flesh of a Rhino. The same with sea creatures and birds. They all have unique flesh! Also consider that each of those unique species has highly complex organs that allow it to breath, eat, and digest food. Eyes to see, ears to hear, and many with brains that can think, feel, and have emotions. They also have complex immune systems as a biological defense. Inwardly they are complex parts designed to function as a whole, complete biological machine. A trillion various and Wondrously designed biological machines! Yet we are told by these Satanic science priests that it was all just a cosmic accident! That everything is insignificant, and that all the various biological bodies on earth just magically became alive, wrote their own genetic code, and designed their own biological machines! Now think about those trillion different life forms being housed in a perfectly contained Eco-system that provides exactly what they each need to survive! So not only are we told that a trillion different life forms magically evolved out of one single cell, that magically became alive, divided and multiplied on it's own: They also tell you that the earth and everything just formed into a perfectly breathable, habitable Eco-system that magically provides for a trillion various life forms to be sustained. You know, because the earth just miraculously knew that biological machines need air, food, and water to survive and provided it? The proofs of there being a creator is astronomically abundant, and is easily seen and understood when you take the time to look at the evidence. The same evidence that proves God exists, and everything HAD TO BE CREATED, also proves that these satanic, so-called science priests are all liars and deceivers! The truth is... There is a God, and his name Is Yahweh, the creator of all that exists. He sent his son Yahushua Messiah to deliver you out of the devil's deceitful lies, and out of the corruption caused in the world through various lusts. And bring you into the glorious truth of the good news of the gospel, thereby setting you free from corruption and the consequences of sin, by and through your faith in Yahushua the son of Yahweh. The children of the devil killed him, but his father Yahweh raised him from the dead into eternal life. Father Yahweh will also raise you up into eternal life if you believe in him, and follow the example of his son Yahushua Messiah. Praise our creator Yahweh, and his son, Yahushua our Messiah, friend, brother, and king!

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